Pretending I have this conversation with you

Imagine we were introduced to each other and the conversation started from that point.

I think there will be lots nice cups of coffee involved and I would love to take you with me, telling you my story.


What should come a long

And now I am thinking, what would you like to know about me?

  • Maybe my name? ... We were introduced, so that was easy.
  • Where I live? check!
  • What I exactly do? check!
  • Inspiration sources? check!
  • For whom I create, or better said my audience and ideal customer? check!
  • What I currently do, my goals, qualities, struggles? check, check, check!

Maybe you have some questions, you didn't even know about.

The good news is:
Someone did.

Work Your Art

Lately Debbie from Work Your Art, asked me all those curious kind of questions. And of course I was happy to give her all the information, she wanted to know about me and my work. It made me dig deeper and I discovered new interesting details about the way I work, as well.
At the sidebar you can find some more information about Work Your Art.


Her questions were all so well chosen, that:
all the answers together create a compelling story,
my story.

Now you

Before you hop over to 'our' conversation, I first want you to know I am as curious to your story as you are to mine.
So it would be an honor if you could introduce yourself a little bit in the comments below.

Some facts and thoughts you might want to share

What would I like to know about you?

  • For example your name, 
  • Where you come from
  • What you do,
  • How you found me,
  • What I could do for you or what you are looking for,
  • Or anything else you like to share with me.

Feel free to share some thoughts with me. 
I am interested in you, like you are interested in me.

Chatting in a charming café

So nice to have this conversation. To make this conversation complete, jump over to my story and don't forget to imagine, while reading the interview, you and me sitting in a charming cafe, drinking a nice cup of coffee, and we have that amazing conversation.


And stay up to date with our newsletter


conversation |ˌkänvərˈsā sh ən|

noun | the informal exchange of ideas by spoken words

Work Your Art

Work Your Art is a learning community for creatives, who want to make an impact to market and brand their business.

Next to tutorials and tips, they offer artists a place to be featured by interviewing them.

Lately they launched a terrific free workbook on keywords and tags. 

6 reacties

  1. Carlyn Clark26 januari 2015

    Great post Esther! And great interview! You’re inspiring me to give my blog a bit more attention. Beste wensen! (I’m finding a new dutch phrase to learn everyday)

    1. Esther27 januari 2015

      Hi Carlyn, nice to have you here. Thanks a lot. Good to hear you are inspired, to give your blog another boost. And your Dutch is terrific. Keep up the good work on both your business and your language studies 🙂

  2. Heather Roth26 januari 2015


    Congratulations on your interview! Thanks for inviting us to share our story.

    My name is Heather Roth and I am a midwesterner and currently live in Michigan, USA. I had the pleasure with spending some time with you over at Pattern Observer, working on our repeats and business savvy together.

    I look forward to being inspired by your work and learning from you as I work on my new project : I am really excited about sharing pattern with those artists, crafters, and designers that are not surface designers… helping them learn and integrate pattern into their own projects and lives.

    Keep up the beautiful work!

    1. Esther27 januari 2015

      Hi Heather, nice to meet again at the bottom of each other’s blog. 🙂 And yes I remember, we had a beautiful time, last summer. And your blog is steadily growing. I love the theme of your blog posts. They inspire me as well. Michigan, isn’t that the place where so many former Dutch families live?
      Love to support each other on the beautiful works 🙂

  3. May Leong27 januari 2015

    Hello Esther,

    Interesting post. Love you image print here 🙂

    1. Esther29 januari 2015

      Thank you, May. I am happy with it too. 🙂 And thanks for the compliments on the artwork. Very much appreciated 🙂


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